Zoe Christiansen
Sasha Lurje
Avia Moore
Ryan Purchase
Ilya Shneyveys
Francesca Ter-Berg
Becky Wexler
Anna Wood
Janina Wurbs
‘The myths of the last century are now inadequate to encompass these new experiences. We are living in the space between mythologies. It is the artists who will create a livable future through their ability to articulate in the face of flux and change.’ Anne Bogart, A Director Prepares
Trace: this moment between past and possibility
In August 2009, I facilitated a week-long workshop with a group of international, interdisciplinary artists. Working with prompts and materials drawn from Yiddish culture and from our own lives, we spent the residency generating performance material on themes of cultural memory and identity. Trace was a space in which to build on existing concepts, try out new ideas, and imagine new possibilities. At the end of that week we opened our process up to the public, performing a work-in-progress – a beautiful collection of individual and group relationships.
Trace explored the search for new mythologies, parallels and pluralities, and the (re)construction of cultural memory. How do we draw on and from cultural traditions, remaking them with the colours of our own aesthetics?
Trace was the performance component of my Masters degree in Devised Theatre at Dartington College of the Arts (Devon, England). The residency portion of the project was made possible by Other Music e.V., Weimar, Germany.